足球投注于1999年12月获得外国留学生招生及培养资格。从2000年开始招收外国语言类留学生,足球投注进行汉语语言学习与培训。从2010年开始,我校本科教学所有专业均向留学生开放。从2018年开始成班制招收工商管理学科来华研究生,2019年招收机械工程和材料科学与工程来华研究生,安全工程学院开始招收博士后。2018年至 2022年,我校已招收研究生学历留学生25人,博士后2人。截至2022年底,我校已培养留学生超过700人,其中学历生近200人,生源国达到20余个国家,以“一带一路”沿线国家为主。
In December 1999, Beijing Institute of Petrochemical Technology (BIPT) obtained the qualification to recruit and train international students. Since 2000, it has recruited non-native speakers for Chinese language learning and training, and in 2010, all undergraduate majors are open to international students. Since 2018, BIPT has started recruiting classes of business administration students from abroad, and in 2019, majors of Mechanical Engineering and Material Science and Engineering, as well as the School of Safety Engineering have also recruited international students. From 2018 to 2022, BIPT has recruited 25 international postgraduates and two post doctorates. By the end of 2022, it has cultivated 700 international students including 200 degree ones. Students are from more than 20 countries mainly along the Belt and Road.
In recent years, BIPT has established scholarships especially for international students, such as the Forbidden City Scholarship launched by Beijing the Belt and Road Initiative National Talent Training Base Project , Beijing the Belt and Road Initiative Scholarship, Beijing International Student Scholarship, BIPT School of International Education Scholarship for International Student and so on. In terms of those scholarships, BIPT has cultivated a large number of high-quality undergraduates, postgraduates and post doctorates from along the Belt and Road, which promotes the development of the international education of BIPT and helps Beijing, the capital city, to fulfill its function as “Four Centers”.